Build Your Sales Playbook – A Startup Selling LIVE Training (12:00 pm PT)

Build Your Sales Playbook – A Startup Selling LIVE Training (12:00 pm PT)

In this LIVE Training, guest expert Drew “Sales Playbook Builder” Williams will show you how to build your company’s SALES PLAYBOOK.
Last month, we assessed your company’s sales process using the Startup Selling Systems Roadmap. The way to turn your REPEATABLE sales process into a SCALABLE sales process is by building and documenting your SALES PLAYBOOK.

In order to grow and scale, you know you need a sales team that can implement and improve your sales process.

But… you might not know where to start when it comes to detailing and documenting your sales processes so that you can hire and manage an effective sales team who can hit the ground running.

Building a sales playbook is a very simple process that helps you extract your expert knowledge and document the selling systems you use so that your current and future sales team. Once you have your Sales Playbook in your hands, you can safely let go of the reins and focus on the other important parts of your business.

Drew has been a Sales Specialist and Account Executive at Microsoft, 3M, and several B2B tech companies. Today, as the Founder of Sales Playbook Builder, he helps founders build sales playbooks that work, sales processes that stick, and lay the groundwork for your transition out of founder-led sales.

Join this LIVE Training so that Drew can show you and your team the process you need to document YOUR sales playbook so that you can keep growing and scaling your sales.

Let’s do this!
